News Release from Coos Bay School District 03-12-20

Good Morning,


 A few moments ago, Governor Kate Brown spoke at a press conference.  Here is a brief summary of her remarks and the impacts on your schools, staff, and students:


  • Large gatherings (250+ people) are suspended through April 8th.   This applies to organized public gatherings, not stores, malls, etc.
  • Schools are not being closed, but non-essential school activities such as parent meetings, allowing spectators at sporting events, and field trips are cancelled.
  • The Governor emphasized that school closure will be a last resort.
  • The Governor emphasized that these measures are being taken to:  1.  Slow transmission of COVID-19 and 2.  Preserve hospital capacity for the most severely impacted individuals.


There are currently no confirmed cases in our district, but we are going to follow the guidance and take measures such as no large group assemblies, staggered lunch and recess, sanitizing highly touched surfaces, and monitoring students and staff for symptoms. We will continue to share information as it becomes available.



Bryan Trendell

Coos Bay Public Schools
